Macey's Misadventures

♥ ☆ .• Our New Home! ☆ .• ♥

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Hello Lovely Friendzies!

So, on December 13th, we closed on a house!! It’s an exciting time! But you know what wasn’t an exciting time?…the moving part…but that’s over now, and it’s time to get things organized! It’s also time for a little home-warming inspiration! I’ve been pinning and pinning away on pinterest, which as we all know, means that I’ve been sitting on my toosh not doing a thing in the minutes (*cough* HOURS) that I’ve been pinning. So I thought today, I’d start to tackle my studio. Well, the kitchen is pretty much done, except a bit of clutter left on the far end of the counter, so I’m happy with the cleanliness of that room so far. The living room is like 90% complete when it comes to things being put away. There are only one medium sized box and a small box left, as well as the Christmas tree to be put away. But I’ll show you a sneak peek of the living room later in this post.

First, let’s talk about my studio. It needs a LOT of work! I have lots of nice built-ins, shelves, desks, and even a closet! I have no excuse not to find room for all this stuff! I must focus on deciding what will be housed where…

Studio Clutter to be Cleaned and Organized soon

I have a place for my sewing machine, but I haven’t moved the pull-out shelf yet.

Sewing Machine and pullout shelves

There’s a really pretty light fixture in this room: a floral light fixture fan. I usually hate fans and the light fixtures that accompany them (but LOVE them in the summer heat. haha), but this one I think I like as is for now.

floral light fixture fan

Then there’s the barbie dollhouse. The barbie dollhouse I grew up playing dolls with. My mom found it, and took it out of storage for me about a year ago or so. Maybe 2 years ago now. Trying to decide if I should paint such a sentimental piece, or keep it exactly as it is. I’ve seen what people with the right skills can do by painting a dollhouse exactly like this one, but not sure if I should…thoughts?

Barbie House

On to the living room! I’m only showing you a small part of it for now…gotta keep you in suspense. (Haha, you can actually see additional photos on my instagram page. Just search for: maceyloubrown).

This first photo is of one of the two built-in cabinets in our living room. I definitely want to paint it at some point. Haven’t decided on the color yet, but it will most likely be a light one.

cabinet full of cute things such as a little kiddles lunch box filled with crayons, a blythe doll with big eyes, and pretty books

And below is one of the many pretty fake candles my mom got me for Christmas this past year. (She also got me some exterior Christmas lights and mini candles, too!) These things actually flicker! 🙂

fake candle that flickers like a real one

On to the dining room…I love our placemats. It’s too bad we are one short though. Got them at Pier 1 for a steal! I think they were 50 cents or 25 cents each a few years back!

Cute Cup With Floral Design WHITE

Oh, and no Macey-fide anything would be complete without something to do with macaroons! Yes, I have a baking book just on how to make different flavors of macaroons!

Macaroons and Cute Cup With Floral Design WHITE

And here’s my hubby, Derek, who decided this was the best and laziest way to socialize (his words, not mine) on his various social networks:

my hubby on social networks while laying in bed his smart phone propped up on blankets

Goodnight everyone! Sleep tight! Don’t let the ladybugs bite! (Did I mention our house is home to lots of ladybugs? haha)

my hubby all cute pretending to be sleeping in bed

xoxo, – MaceyLou

Author: MaceyLou

I'm an artist and a wildlife gardener in Knoxville, TN.

One thought on “♥ ☆ .• Our New Home! ☆ .• ♥

  1. Maceylou this is wonderful! I can’t wait to see more!

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